Monday, October 10, 2011

Sources for 10/10/11

Griffen, David. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Interlink Books: 2004. Print
This source will greatly help my paper because it gives an inside scoop about what was happening behind closed doors during the Bush Administration.  This book investigates exactly to what point did the government know of 9/11 and what are the chances are they could have pulled a coup on their own country. Many people disagree with these ideas however, facts are facts and it is worth investigating.  

Norman, Joshua.  CBS News. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Just Won't Stop. Web. 2011 <>
This source will work very well for my counter argument and what most of the general population will argue.  However, this will help me bring to light different facets of my paper that will make the reader not have an argument back to my thesis. (not sure how to author??) 05 May 2009.  
This source addresses all the different conspiracy theories for the different events of 9/11. Therefore, using it as information in my paper will really help my paper.  My only fear is that the source may not be reliable, however it is a government website.  I will have to read the information and look at it in light with other sources to decide if it is reliable or not .

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