Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reflection for 8/29/11

This week we talked about the meaning of rhetoric.  I learned that rhetoric is not only something that is found in the classroom or in only academic settings.  In fact, rhetoric is something that is found all around us on ads, tshirts, text, comics any clothing, and almost everything else that we would see day to day.  Rhetoric is anything that is working to persuade your mind to a certain opinion.  Therefore what someone is wearing can persuade you to what kind of worker they are, what sports team they pull for or even what kind of brands they like.  In class,  each group had to decide on a picture online that  showed some sort of rhetorical aspect.  Our group picked one that was a part of a bench and said USE ONLY WHAT YOU NEED.  If I was to walk passed this strangely colored bench, It would for sure catch my eye.  The ad was created by Colorado water therefore they are trying to convince the public that you do not need a whole bench, therefore only use what you need, just like water.  Ever since studying rhetoric, I notice many of the everyday objects around me are trying to  persuade me in different directions without me even every noticing before.  

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